Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Almost there...

I don't think it's quite hit me yet that in two days I'll be on a flight to Rio and on my way to Iracambi. After months of planning, hours and hours of Portuguese lessons, several inoculations, multiple fundraising events, development training and a new backpack, the time has finally come.

But before I go, I want to thank everyone who helped me along the way (cue the cheesy award ceremony music). Thank you to the folks in my office for selecting me for this program. Thank you to everyone who donated to help me help Iracambi. Thank you to everyone who gave me an encouraging word or just asked questions about what I was doing. Thank you to my husband for putting up with me as I've overthought every aspect of this trip. And mostly, thank you to TIE and Philippa for creating this awesome program. I feel incredibly lucky to get to be a part of it.

My next post will be from my new forest home. Should get much more exciting from here on out. Hope you enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Cool thing of the week

The cultural basis of its cuisine is the small farmhouse, and many of the dishes are prepared using locally produced vegetables and meats, especially chicken and pork. The best-known dish from Minas Gerais is "pão de queijo", a small baked roll (known internationally as "Brazilian cheese rolls") made with cheese and cassava flour that can be served hot as an appetizer or for breakfast.