Friday, July 24, 2015

What am I doing?

In October I'll be heading down to Brazil to spend a month in the Atlantic Forest. I'm not a biologist or a conservationist. I'm not an activist or entomologist. I'm an interactive producer in an agency in New York. It doesn't quite seem real.

I had heard about TIE from one of my coworkers. He had an amazing adventure in Malawi. The first time he told me about it it sounded like a great escape. I was stressed out at work, deep into a large website build, spending late nights in the office eating take-out and trying to keep my team, my vendors and my clients happy (and keep myself sane). I was looking at it like a vacation from my life. So I applied, but I wasn't ready and nothing came of it.

The next time I was able to apply for TIE, I went into it with a much better understanding of what the program was, what I could do for it and what it could do for me - personally as well as professionally. I applied not assuming I'd be chosen, but ready in case I was. And thank goodness, since now I'm heading to Brazil in a few months.

As for the feeling real part, that's in my hands now and I've got to get the ball rolling. I've started trying to learn Portuguese. I'm trying to come at it from multiple angles (since I'm not great at languages) - Pimsleur audio lessons for conversational skills, which I listen to on my walk to work and Rosetta Stone since everyone says it works. After a few weeks, I can tell someone my name, where I'm from and that the children have white pens (very helpful). I just booked an appointment with my doctor to get the vaccinations I need for the trip. And I've started planning a fundraiser, so I can raise money to help promote the program while I'm down there. More to come on that...

So, now it's getting real. Very real. And very exciting.

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